Research Interests
Observational galaxy formation and evolution: quenching of star formation, galaxy morphology, star formation rate – stellar mass relation, spatially-resolved stellar populations, spectroscopic ages, dust content, star formation efficiency.
Ph.D. in Astronomy, Yale University (Awarded Dec 2012, Advisor: Prof. Pieter van Dokkum)
M.Phil. in Astronomy, Yale University (May 2008)
M.Sc. in Astronomy, Yale University (May 2007)
B.Sc. in Physics and Astronomy, UMass Amherst (May 2005)
Associate Professor of Astronomy, UMass Amherst (2023-)
Associate Faculty, Cosmic Dawn Center, Copenhagen Denmark (2017–)
Assistant Professor of Astronomy, UMass Amherst (2019–2023)
Assistant Professor of Physics, UConn (2017–2019)
Hubble Fellow, UMass Amherst (2015–2017)
NASA Postdoctoral Program Fellow, Goddard Space Flight Center (2012–2015)
Graduate Research Assistant, Prof. Pieter van Dokkum, Yale (2006–2012)
Graduate Research Assistant, Prof. Theodore Fritz, BU (2005–2006)
Research Assistant, UMass Amherst, Prof. Daniel Wang, (Summer 2005)
REU Internship, Harvard-Smithsonian CfA (Summer 2003/2004)
Honors & Awards
2023 Kavli Fellow, nominated by National Academy of Sciences to participate in the Frontiers of Science Symposium
1% Highest-Cited Scientist, Clarivate Analytics (2021)
2019 Alfred P. Sloan Fellow
Dirk Brouwer Memorial Prize (2015), Yale University
NASA CT Space Grant Graduate Fellowship (2010-2011) Awarded to one graduate student within the Space Grant Consortium per year to fund thesis research
Mary Dailey Irvine Prize (2005) Awarded to a graduating senior from one of the Five College institutions for an outstanding senior thesis.
Outstanding Undergraduate Award (2005, Department of Astronomy, University of Massachusetts Amherst) Awarded once a year to an undergraduate student for academic excellence.
William F. Field Alumni Scholar (2004, University of Massachusetts Amherst)
Hasbrouck Scholarship Award (Department of Physics, University of Massachusetts Amherst)
Commonwealth College Honors Research Grant (2004, University of Massachusetts Amherst)
Professional Activities
Service to the Scientific Community
NASA Mission Concept Studies:
CETUS Probe Class Mission Concept Design (2018-2020)
LUVOIR Cosmic Origins Science Working Group (2016–2018)
LUVOIR High Definition Imager Working Group (2016–2018)
Participant in WFIRST study group, NASA/GSFC (2014–2015)
Science Organizing Committees:
Lurking Lions: Hidden Challenges to Solving Galaxy Formation, Kruger Park, South Africa (August 2024)
Extreme Galaxies and their Extreme Environments at Extreme Early Epochs, Reykjavik, Iceland (April 2024)
EAS2023 Special Session, “The importance of relations in galaxy evolution: linking observations and theory in the Big Data era"“, Kraków, Poland (July 2023)
Subaru 20th Anniversary, Hawaii (November 2019)
CANDELS @ UMass (October 2018)
Massive Beasts of the Cosmos, South Africa (August 2016)
External Reviews: ALMA (2021-2023), Canada Time Allocation Committee, Chinese Telescope Access Program, NASA Postdoctoral Program Fellowship, Sapling Learning, NASA Earth and Space Science Fellowship Review Panelist (2014 - present)
Panel Reviews:
NASA Astrophysical Data Analysis Program (Panel Chair, 2023)
Large Millimeter Telescope (Panel Chair, 2021, 2022)
James Webb Space Telescope Cycle 1 Review Panelist (2021)
Hubble Space Telescope Cycle 24 and 26 Review Panelist (2016, 2018)
National Science Foundation (2014, 2015)
External Referee: ApJ, ApJ Letters, MNRAS, Nature, Nature Astronomy, A&A, and PASA (2009–present)
Service to the UMass Community (2019-)
Committee Service:
Graduate Admissions Committee (2019, 2021, 2022)
Graduate Recruitment Committee (2019-2023)
Department Personnel Committee (2019, 2021, 2023)
Second Year Exam Committee (2020, 2022)
Class of 2024 Astronomy Majors Co-Advisor (17 advisees; 2020-2024)
Director of Five College Astronomy Department Summer Internship Program (2022-present)
Organized Summer Undergraduate Research Symposium (2020, 2022, 2023, 2024)
Service to the UConn Community (2016-2019)
Development of Astrophysics Minor and new astrophysics curriculum.
PI of initiative adopting an open educational resource textbook (Fall 2017)
PI of course redesign of Introductory Astronomy through Provost’s Large Course Redesign Grant Initiative (Fall 2017)
Publications Summary
As of August 2024 – h-index: 64 (source: ADS). 168 refereed publications (17 first author, 9 postdoc/student led), with 21 additional manuscripts under review. 20,000 citations total, with >3,000 citations of first author papers (source: Google Scholar).
Conferences and Research Talks
Colloquia and Invited Presentations
Invited Talk, “The Growth of Galaxies in the Early Universe X”, Sesto, Italy (1/2025)
Beus Seminar, Arizona State University, Phoenix, Arizona (12/2024)
Invited Review Talk, “DEEP24: Beyond the Edge of the Universe”, Sintra, Portugal (10/2024)
Invited Review Talk, “AGN Feedback and Star Formation Across Cosmic Scales and Time”, Sirolo, Italy (9/2024)
Colloquium, University of Geneva, Switzerland (7/2024)
Colloquium, UCLA, Los Angelos, CA (4/2024)
Invited Talk, “The Growth of Galaxies in the Early Universe IX”, Sesto, Italy (1/2024)
Invited Talk, 4th Japanese-American-German Frontiers of Science Symposium, Dresden, Germany (10/2023)
Invited Talk, Science with Habitable Worlds and Beyond Conference, STScI, Baltimore, MD (7/2023)
Invited Talk, DAWN Summit, Copenhagen Denmark (6/2023)
Invited Talk, SIMBA Collaboration Meeting, CCA/Flatiron, New York City, NY (5/2023)
Invited Talk, “The Growth of Galaxies in the Early Universe VIII”, Sesto, Italy (3/2023)
Colloquium, University of Arizona, Tucson AZ (3/2023)
Colloquium, Texas A&M, College Station TX (1/2023)
Invited Talk, JWST ISSI Workshop, Bern, Switzerland (1/2023)
Colloquium, University of Toledo, Toledo OH (10/2022)
Colloquium, University of Florida, Gainesville FL (10/2022)
Invited Talk, DAWN Research Conference, Copenhagen Denmark (6/2022)
Colloquium, MIT, Cambridge MA (Virtual; 2/2022)
Invited Review Talk, “The Main Sequence of Star-forming Galaxies”, European Astronomical Society Meeting, Leiden, Netherlands (Virtual; 7/2021)
Colloquium, Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore MD (Virtual; 5/2021)
Colloquium, Queens University, Kingston Canada (Virtual; 9/2020)
Invited Talk, Subaru 20th Anniversary Symposium, Waikaloa Beach, HI (11/2019)
Invited Talk, ITC Battlestar Galactica Edition, Cambridge MA (4/2019)
Colloquium, University of Massachusetts, Amherst MA (3/2019)
Invited Talk, “Extremely Big Eyes on the Early Universe”, UCLA, CA (1/2019)
Invited Talk, “Massively Parallel Large Area Spectroscopy from Space”, ATLAS Probe Community Workshop, Pasadena, CA (10/2018)
Invited Talk, WFIRST Deep Fields Workshop, Princeton NJ (8/2018)
Colloquium, Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics, University of Oslo, NO (7/2018)
Invited Talk, LUVOIR Seminar, Goddard Space Flight Center (5/2018)
Invited Talk, Galaxy & Cosmology Seminar, Harvard CfA, Cambridge MA (2/2018)
Invited Talk, WFIRST Splinter Session, AAS, 231st Meeting, Washington DC (1/2018)
Invited Talk, LUVOIR Splinter Session, AAS, 231st Meeting, Washington DC (1/2018)
Colloquium, Boston University, Boston MA (10/2017)
Colloquium, Yale University, New Haven CT (9/2017)
Invited review talk, “A Decade of the Star-Forming Main Sequence” Lorentz Center Workshop, Leiden NL (9/2017)
Invited Talk, Hubble Fellows Symposium, Baltimore MD (3/2017)
Invited Talk, BASS Seminar, Brown University, Providence RI (3/2017)
Colloquium, University of Kansas, Lawrence KS (3/2017)
Colloquium, University of Connecticut, Storrs CT (3/2017)
Colloquium, MIT, Cambridge MA (2/2017)
Colloquium, Wesleyan University, Middletown CT (11/2016)
Invited Talk, Hubble Fellows Symposium, Baltimore MD (3/2016)
Colloquium, Penn State, State College PA (2/2016)
Invited Talk, University of Connecticut, Storrs CT (2/2016)
Invited Talk, Amherst College, Amherst MA (1/2016)
Invited Talk, LUVOIR Splinter Session, AAS, 227th Meeting, Seattle WA (1/2016)
Colloquium, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor MI (10/2015)
Colloquium, University of Texas at Austin, Austin TX (9/2015)
Invited Talk, Hubble 25th Symposium, Baltimore MD (4/2015)
Invited Talk, University of Massachusetts, Lowell MA (3/2015)
Invited Talk, Brown University, Providence RI (2/2015)
Invited Talk, Vassar College, Poughkeepsie NY (2/2015)
Invited Talk, 3D-HST Session, AAS, 225th Meeting, Seattle WA (1/2015)
Invited Talk, NASA/GSFC SED Director’s Seminar, Greenbelt MD (6/2014)
Invited Talk, CTC Seminar, University of Maryland, College Park MD (3/2014)
Colloquium, University of Massachusetts, Amherst MA (9/2013)
Invited Talk, Watching Galaxies Grow Up, Ringberg, Germany (12/2011)
Other Seminars, Contributed Talks, and Poster Presentations
Contributed Talk, Kruger National Park, South Africa (8/2024)
Poster, IAU Symposium, South Africa (8/2024)
Seminar, University of Zurich, Switzerland (7/2024)
Poster, MIT First Light Conference, Cambridge MA (6/2023)
Galread, Princeton University (Virtual; 2/2022)
Contributed Talk, Aspen Center for Physics, Aspen CO (2/2020)
Contributed Talk, AAS, 235th Meeting, Honolulu HI (1/2020)
Seminar, Cosmic Dawn Center, Copenhagen DK (7/2018)
Contributed Talk, AAS, 231st Meeting, Washington DC (1/2018)
Contributed Talk, Massive Beasts of the Cosmos, Kruger Park SA (7/2016)
Contributed Talk, The Most Massive Galaxies and their Precursors, Sydney AU (2/2015)
Contributed Talk, AAS, 225th Meeting, Seattle WA (1/2015)
Seminar, MIT, Cambridge MA (11/2014)
Contributed Talk, Z-FOURGE Annual Meeting, Montgomery TX (10/2014)
Contributed Talk, Aspen Center for Physics, Aspen CO (2/2014)
Dissertation Talk, AAS 223rd Meeting, Washington DC (1/2014)
Seminar, Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Cambridge MA (11/2013)
Contributed Talk, 3D-HST Annual Meeting, San Juan, Puerto Rico (10/2013)
Invited Talk, Z-FOURGE Annual Meeting, Montgomery TX (10/2013)
Seminar, Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore MD (10/2013)
Seminar, Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt MD (1/2013, 9/2013)
Invited Talk, Lorentz Center, Leiden NL (1/2008, 2/2009, 11/2009, 5/2013)
Seminar, Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore MD (10/2012)
Contributed Talk, 3D-HST Annual Meeting, New Haven CT (10/2012)
Seminar, University of California, Santa Cruz CA (12/2011)
Seminar, University of California, Los Angeles CA (12/2011)
Seminar, University of California, Riverside CA (11/2011)
Seminar, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena CA (11/2011)
Seminar, Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Cambridge MA (11/2011)
Seminar, University of Massachusetts, Amherst MA (10/2011)
Contributed Talk, 3D-HST Annual Meeting, Leiden NL (10/2011)
Poster, Galaxy Formation Conference, Durham UK (7/2011)
Contributed Talk, AAS 211th Meeting, Austin TX (1/2008)
Poster, AAS 206th Meeting, Minneapolis MN (5/2005)
Poster, AAS 205th Meeting, San Diego CA (1/2005)
Poster, AAS 203th Meeting, Atlanta GA (1/2004)
Telescope Experience
James Webb Space Telescope (NIRCam, NIRSpec, MIRI)
Kitt Peak 4m (26 nights; NEWFIRM)
Cerro-Tololo Blanco 4m (5 nights; NEWFIRM)
MMT Observatory 6.5m (2 nights; MMIRS)
Hubble Space Telescope (WFC3, ACS, WFPC2)
Spitzer Space Telescope (IRAC, MIPS)
Atacama Large Millimeter Array
XMM-NEWTON Observatory
Chandra X-ray Observatory