
DAWN IRES Scholars Program


Please visit the DAWN IRES Scholars Program to learn more about our international research experience for students, including both undergraduate and graduate students currently enrolled in a program with US citizenship or a green card. Dr. Whitaker is the director of the DAWN IRES Scholars Program. This NSF-funded program sends cohorts of 8 students to Copenhagen, Denmark to perform authentic astrophysics research deepening our understanding of the early universe. Students are welcomed to the Cosmic Dawn Center for an 11-week program. The Cosmic Dawn Center has scientific expertise that spans the full observational and theoretical realm of cosmic dawn, the time period within a few billion years of the Big Bang. Joining the vibrant research atmosphere, students are provided a once in a lifetime opportunity to perform research relevant to current open questions in astrophysics. Application deadlines are February 1st of each year.



*Astronomy Targeted Research Opportunities for Underrepresented Populations

AstroTROUP aims to support Black, Indigenous, and LatinX students majoring in Astronomy here at UMass Amherst through astronomy research experiences, mentorship, and community. Internal applications are accepted annually in the Spring. The program includes funding for up to 10 hours of research per week ($17 per hour) during the academic year (Fall & Spring semesters), plus extra free tutoring services. No prior research experience is necessary. Programming experience is desired, but not required. Skill training is part of the program! If you are interested in joining the AstroTROUP cohort to work on data from the Large Millimeter Telescope TolTEC Ultra Deep Galaxy Survey, please contact me!


Eureka Workshop: A Cosmic Photoshoot to Impress


Every summer, the Eureka program through Girls Inc of the Valley partners with the University of Massachusetts to run a series of workshops on campus over the month of July. Within the astronomy department, we run a 2-day workshop, “A Cosmic Photoshoot to ImPress” where the 9th grade cohort learned about how images taken with telescopes are transformed into false color images we see so often in the media. Each Eureka scholar designed their own image using data from the Hubble Space Telescope which was heat pressed onto a tote bag as a keepsake.

A gallery of the creations from the 2022 and 2023 cohorts can be found below, as well as the worksheet the scholars completed over the 2-day workshop.

Download material here:



Media & Press Releases

Guest Lectures

General presentations on galaxy evolution, my research, and promoting science careers at the middle school, high school, and university levels.

  • Aspen Center for Physics Public Lecture, Aspen CO (March 2024)

  • Ecotarium Public Lecture, Astrophysics Seminar Series, Worcester MA (November 2023)

  • Westport Astronomical Society Public Lecture (July 2017)

  • UMass Amherst, “Introductory Astronomy” Lecture (February 2017)

  • UMass Amherst, “Writing About Astronomy” Lecture (February 2016)

  • Amherst College, “Exploring the Cosmos” Lecture (December 2015)

  • Colby College, Senior Physics & Astro Colloquium (November 2015)

  • Samuel Ogle Middle School, Bowie MD (April 2015)

  • Howard University, Washington DC (October 2014)

  • Granby High School, Granby MA (October 2012)

  • UMass Amherst Freshman Seminar (October 2011)

  • Hale Middle School, Stow MA (March 2010, January 2014)

Other Outreach

  • “My Journey as an Academic Mama: Lessons in not only Surviving, but Thriving”, including at the inaugural Yale WiP+ Alumni Colloquium (Virtual; February 2022), the Yale Astronomy Professional Seminar (October 2022), and the Cosmic Dawn Center Cake Talk Series (Virtual; February 2023)

  • Night sky tours and solar observing activity for SPARK summer residential program at UConn (July 2018), event led by UConn astrophysics students with help in organization.

  • AAS Astronomy Ambassador (January 2014 —) This program provides mentoring and training experiences for young astronomers, ranging from graduate students to faculty, as well as access to resources and a network of contacts within the astronomy Education & Public Outreach community.

  • Ask an Astrophysicist, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt MD (January-June 2014) Small group of volunteers who work on space-based astronomical observations who answer questions from the public.

  • Science Fair Judge, Greenbelt MD (February 2013, 2014) Volunteer to judge science experiments for grades 8-12.

  • Girls’ Science Investigations, Yale University (October 2007) Volunteer to run physics demonstrations and lead a series of hands-on experiments for 6–8th grade girls.