The major research areas studied in the Whitaker Research Group are summarized below, though we continue to branch into new areas of galaxy formation and evolution. You can download public Data Products from various public surveys: James Webb Space Telescope UNCOVER Treasury Survey, Hubble Legacy Survey, 3D-HST, and the NEWFIRM Medium-Band Survey.
NEW(EST) Projects
(i.e., recruiting new students and/or postdoctoral researchers)
Large Millimeter Telescope (funded by NSF CAREER grant)
Ultra-Deep Galaxy Survey - 3-band confusion limited mm wavelength imaging of deep fields with the TolTEC instrument
James Webb Space Telescope (funded by JWST grants)
Deep Dive Survey - Cycle 2 spectroscopic program targeting quiescent galaxies at z>3 (PI: Francesco Valentino)
UNCOVER Survey - Ultra-deep JWST NIRCam/NIRISS imaging and NIRSpec spectroscopy of a Frontier Field cluster
PANORAMIC Survey - Pure-parallel NIRCam imaging program covering wide area
PRIMER Survey - Deep JWST NIRCam and MIRI imaging program in two CANDELS fields
3D-Herschel Project (no funding remains, but undergraduate projects possible)
Several possible projects using the combined 3D-HST and Herschel catalogs with Prospector Bayesian modeling.